Information Agenda and Stages


High School GraduationWhat is already known about the outcome? How is it best measured? Is the data already collected and accessible? If applicable, what proxy variables might
be utilized or estimated?
What are the summary characteristics of the outcome?How is the outcome influenced by or related to other factors? How does that influence differ when accounting for additional variables?What is the probability of the outcome occurring? What is the
most/least likely outcome? How does this probability differ when accounting for additional variables?
What is the probability of the outcome projected over the next 3-5 years?How do simulated changes affect the probability of the outcome? What set of conditions optimize the probability of the outcome?
Postsecondary Persistence
Postsecondary Graduation


Time to EmploymentWhat is already known about the outcome? How is it best measured? Is the data already collected and accessible? If applicable, what proxy variables might
be utilized or estimated?
What are the summary characteristics of the outcome?How is the outcome influenced by or related to other factors? How does that influence differ when accounting for additional variables?What is the probability of the outcome occurring? What is the
most/least likely outcome? How does this probability differ when accounting for additional variables?
What is the probability of the outcome projected over the next 3-5 years?How do simulated changes affect the probability of the outcome? What set of conditions optimize the probability of the outcome?
Employment Gap
Industry Placement
Employment Location